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Monday, December 15, 2008

Think you know Queen Anne? Take a quiz!

Since it's much too cold to stay outside (it's currently in the 20's!), thought I'd make up this little Quiz. How well do YOU know Queen Anne?

True or False:

  1. Queen Anne is bounded on the south by the Fremont Cut of the Ship Canal.
  2. In 1810, David Denny staked a claim to the 320 acres of Lower Queen Anne land.
  3. Queen Anne is situated just north of Belltown and just south of Fremont across the Lake Washington Ship Canal.
  4. Queen Anne Boulevard ws intended as a 3-mile loop around the crown of the hill, but the design was never fully executed.
  5. The hill began to be called "Queen Anne" by 1885, after the Queen Anne style houses that dominated the area.
  6. John Hay Elementary School has had five different buildings, all on Queen Anne Hill.
  7. Gary Locke, former govenor of Washington State, resided on Queen Anne Hill.
  8. In 1962, Lower Queen Anne became the site of the Century 21 Exposition, a World's Fair.
  9. KeyArena is home of the Seattle Storm
  10. Fillipino-American author and activist Carlos Bulosan is buried in the cemetary on the north side of the hill.

Queen Anne Real Estate


  1. F
  2. F
  3. F
  4. T
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T
  8. T
  9. F
  10. T



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