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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gong Bowls at East West Bookshop in Ravenna

The Ravenna neighborhood is a wonderful close-in place to live, near to and north of the University of Washington and all the stir and bustle that it provides. It is also, along Roosevelt Way NE, a wonderful place to shop for trendy clothes, have your hair done, enjoy some ethnic cuisine in a neighborhood eatery, find organic produce (Whole Foods is close), or find a book or two for that weekend getaway. The East West Bookshop is one of my favorite stop ins, not only for the books but because every single time I go there I get to hear the sound of the Gong Bowls.

At least, I think that is what they are called. Made of translucent glass, varied in size, uniformly smooth and streamlined in shape, they glow, they seem to hum even before you tap them with the ... pole, ringer, mallet? The stick thing. They call my name silently, and then when they are tapped and begin to ring, they call my name on various levels of being! Wow, talk about time travel all in a moment, these things are first class mystical musical treasures! (You know who you are, what better Christmas present could there be? I'll wait!)

I don't stop at the Gong Bowls forever, of course. The bookshop offers a veritable garden of titles to suit anyone's exploratory mood. Three that caught my eye last time I was in are Comfortable with Uncertainty by Pema Chodron, Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, and Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. Now please don't misunderstand, I'm not really recommending these particular books since I have not read them yet, just tossing them out as examples of what you may encounter as you browse the shelves. (But if you do happen to read them, do let me know how they are!!)

Books are not all you will find, there's jewelry, bags, candles, and much more! There are also numerous events, readings, seminars and lectures held each month, enabling anyone interested to learn and explore some of the paths and disciplines available on the shelves. Just browse through the current calender of Store Events on their website to see the latest.

Pretty soon I'll sign up for something and...why not, blog about it! Stay tuned for further developments.

Edy Kizaki
Realtor & Team Leader

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day at Golden Gardens in Ballard

Golden Gardens Park on Shilshole Bay could be called "Seattle's Seattle"... water, boats, mountains, seashore, and all the variety of beach-going Seattle folks. It has been loved for generations and it's a "happening place." My 7 year old found two friends right away, us mothers sat on logs and chatted (one of them told me she lived right in Ballard at the top of the hill, what a perfect location! she's a caterer and we discussed some of what makes Seattle food unique...the Northwest bounty of berries, seafood, and wild things that right now is showing up on our tables in abundance). Couples strolled down the edge of the waves. Groups sat on logs in deep discussion or played frisbee and volleyball. in the Boathouse a private party laughed and cheered and feasted. There must have been almost 20 fires that night...there are 12 approved firepits and many people make it a habit to bring their own wood and picnic into the night.

Last night, it was the place to be.

Check out this PI article for more on Golden Gardens.

Edy Kizaki
Realtor & Team Leader

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