What a happy crisp clear day it was, and time to do some family stuff! First we went to the Imagine Children's Museum, in Everett, then to the beach and play area near the Mulkiteo Ferry, It was our first time at the Imagine Children's Museum, and we LOVED it. Each exhibit seemed more fun than the last, and being in the rooftop  play area was like heaven. The Water Play Room was full of spinning wheels and trickling streams, the Neon Room was dark and glowy (very Halloween!!) and the Treehouse, the Theater (act out your own plays!) and the Vetrinary Clinic were intriguing to say the least. I also loved the Farm Patch with a horse and tractor to ride, and the Airplane where you could pretend to piolet it... and the Fireman's room for under 5's. Right across the street was a great Goodwill with lots and lots of Halloween costumes... found a perfect Stitch costume (cute space alien with 4 arms, from Lilo & Stitch) for Daniel for $6...fun! He was going to be a Gladiator for Halloween but that plan is now out the window. I'm glad as the Stitch costume will definitely be warmer.  It was a bright sunny day, high blue skies with puffy clouds, and nothing could have been more fun than the beach park just south of the Mukilteo ferry terminal. There were kayaks, speedboats, the ferries of course, and one glorious ocean liner passing, kids and their parents playing on the new space age playground climbing equipment, dog walkers, log sitters, photographers, and some strollers enjoying the beauty of the scene. We jumped from log to log and made it from one end of the beach to the other without touching the sand.  Last of all we stopped by the Rose Hill Chocolate Company for a truffle and some samples of their famous fudge. I liked the Chocolate Ammeretto, Daniel opted for the Walnut Chocolate Fudge. Probably the most decadent was the black current truffle  with white chocolate! Dan Straub, the owner, was behind the counter and we learned a lot about where the world's best cacao beans come from (Tierra del Fuego) and some chocolate making trivia. There were a lot of other temptations including gummy spiders and numerous Halloween goodies available. Yum! We thought next time we'll leave the kids at home and stop by the Leely's Day Spa & Wine Tasting next door to the Chocolate Factory to sip some local vintages. Imagine Children's Museum, 1502 Wall StreetEverett, WA 98201(425) 258-1006 Rose Hill Chocolate Company, 700 3rd Street, Mukilteo, WA, (425) 353-1183 Leely's Day Spa & Wine: 700 Third St., Mukilteo; 425-268-6004, leely@ahanmail.net. Wind tasting available with spa services anytime; regular tasting 6 to 8 p.m. Thursdays, $5. City of Mukilteo's " About Mukilteo" webpage offers a great introduction to this delightful destination. Edy Kizaki
Realtor & Team Leader Labels: Everett Sightseeing, kid's activities, Mukilteo Sightseeing
 Good Morning, Wow! What a crazy few days it has been in the financial markets. Here is a rundown of the major events since last Friday, October 3rd. 1. The U.S. lost the most jobs in 5 1/2 years as September's Jobs report showed a loss of 159,000 jobs. The unemployment rate remained steady at 6.1% 2. Global Stock Markets (including the U.S.) have plunged overnight as the $700 billion rescue plan passed by the House and Senate last week is not being perceived by global investors as a "cure-all" for world economies and credit issues. 3. The Federal Reserve led a coordinated emergency interest rate cut this morning that included the European Central Bank, Canada, UK, Switzerland and Sweden. The U.S. Federal Funds rate was lowered by 0.5%. The joint effort was to ease the economic effects of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The good news is that Mortgage Interest Rates have held their own since the economic turndown. Please take a look at the attached flyer to view today's Mortgage Rates. (just email me at edy@seattlepowersearch.com and I'll send it to you.) Keep working hard and stay focused. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Danny Forbes Mortgage Banker/Broker Golf Savings Bank Direct: 425-673-8231 Fax: 425-771-5055 Edy Kizaki
Realtor, Team Leader Labels: Economy, Mortgage Rates
Here is the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse Announcement which was sent to me...wow, I love this place, I guess I'm not alone!! Hotwire West Seattle Voted the Best Coffeehouse for the Second Year! Seattle, Washington - October 3rd, 2008 - It's official, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse was voted best coffee in West Seattle by the local community. News hit the streets late yesterday via the West Seattle Herald; the community in West Seattle voted Hotwire Coffee into the top spot for the best coffeehouse in the area! This is the second year in a row Hotwire was voted the best coffeehouse in West Seattle. Not only was Hotwire voted the best coffeehouse two years running but they also received runner-up awards in best customer service both years. It's a huge accomplishment to receive the award once but to be voted the best for two years, well that is just amazing. All of the staff at Hotwire take a great deal of pride in their beverages and are always working towards making the best coffee in Seattle. The staff are also known for their quirky but friendly demeanor. There is a  lot to be said for the way they welcome new and current customers into the tiny coffeeshop. You will never get the robotic 'How may I help you' question at Hotwire, each barista has their own unique personality. It could be Kerry with the bright red hair and reader of many books, Blayne the superstar fashion designer, Mia the super nanny and lover of the party or Jessica the quiet but driven college student. Heck, you may even find Lora there, the owner of Hotwire. It's great to know even though Hotwire is one of many choices in West Seattle for coffee the community continues to support this little Internet cafe who has been in business for the past six years. Hotwire has just finished their month-long anniversary celebration that included an interesting word challenge (read on for more....) that included customers too. In October they have another interesting event, website confessionals click here for the Hotwire Halloween page and here for the confessional blog.The three tier basis of Hotwire's philosophy was community involvement, creating a nice place that serves a great coffee and a coffeehouse that makes you feel welcome. In addition to the welcoming atmosphere (some call it like meeting good friends) Hotwire continues to follow that philosophy by running community events such as the outdoor movies Movies on the Wall, the West Seattle art walk, West Seattle rummage sale, supporting Furry Faces Foundation, being on the West Seattle Junction Association Board of Directors and supporting other local events. Hotwire Online Coffeehouse West Seattle4410 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116 206.935.1510  Edy Kizaki Realtor, Team Leader
Labels: coffee houses, West Seattle
There are still many homes that while presenting a solid value are not going to go at bargain prices. Someone will make a decent offer, and we still see some homes selling after only a week or two on the market. But on the other hand, for those that would rather compromise on the exact dynamics of their wish list and realize a little extra cash value, the deals are certainly out there. The trade-off of wanting to gauge the exact point at which values will be lowest vs. taking advantage of a definite bargain available now is something each one of us will have to judge for ourselves, however, it certainly provides an interesting diversion while keeping a sharp eye on the national commotion and the upcoming election! By the way, I just got mutual on a Queen Anne townhome for a young couple that is being financed by a private lender...her parents. This is the good old method and I bet we will see more of that in the next few months as buyers push to take advantage of the major deals available now. Parents these days have gotten used to the idea that their excess cash should go to a second home or other investments, but this investing in their kids is likely to grow, as it really makes sense for both sides, the kids get a safe loan and the parents get a good bet on a decent investment! Edy Kizaki
Realtor & Team Leader Labels: loans, Queen Anne, townhomes