Scoot About in South Lake Union
Scoot About in South Lake Union has TGB Key West 49cc, Honda 49cc, and Buddy 49cc scooter rentals available for touring around (currently $30 for first hour and $20 for second and thereafter, or you can choose a daily rate). The Green Conscious business also is aiming to get local businesses, employees, and residents hooked on this fun and easy way to run a few errands and see more of the scenery while doing them! Part of Scoot About's business plan is offering a Scooter Share Pilot Program for locals at $5 per half hour (get a punch card) to encourage this "viable transportation alternative for better flexibility and mobility, especially in the South Lake Union neighborhood."
And why not? What have you got to lose but the boredom of a set routine and being closed up in a car where you can't see, smell and hear the sounds around you the way one does when out in the open air? I can remember of all my times in Japan, it was when I was relying on a bicycle for my main mode of transport that I really felt a part of things and a deepening of my experience of the place. There is something about a car that kind of separates you from the area you are passing through! It is my goal to rent one of these scooters and go around town ... tell you what, I will take photos and put up a tour of my sightseeing...and blog about it! Or better yet, when some of you are in town, let's do it together, what could be more fun?
If you go to their site and read the Testimonials page, I don't think that you will hesitate to agree that our best bet is to get over there as fast as possible and join in the fun.
Check out their photo gallery for more inspiration!

Edy Kizaki
Realtor and Team Leader
Labels: Ride Free Area, scooter rentals, Seattle Sightseeing, South Lake Union
posted by Edy Kizaki on Monday, June 02, 2008
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