Entrance to 1-5 at Mercer Street

Lynette Hensley
Associate Broker
posted by Lynette Hensley on Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Entrance to 1-5 at Mercer Street - Permanent Link |
Bellevue - Carnation - Edmonds - Eastside - Lynnwood - Mercer Island - North Seattle - Queen Anne - Shoreline - West Seattle
Wednesday, March 18, 2009Entrance to 1-5 at Mercer Street![]() Lynette Hensley Associate Broker
Monday, March 9, 2009Edmonds Galleries Provide A Day Full of Art
One of my absolutely favorite places to spend time is Edmonds. In the old, quaint village near the Ferry Teminal there are so many choices a day is much too short to see everything, but I like to gallery hop and fill up a whole day with art, and a little lunch of course. This means saving the Travel Bookstore and numerous other shops for "next time", but anticipation is a good thing, right? The Chamber's website features several "Spend the Day" theamed iteneries...all enticing!
Recently a client and I discoverd a mutual love of art and took a few hours away from house First we went to Aria Studio Gallery, where proprietor Joan Archer paints and teaches art. Next door was the Fabric of Life Foundation, which teaches young women in Mali, That day we didn't get to the Waterfront Antique Mall where there are auctions held weekly and a truly amazing assortment of displays of every imaginable antique, books, furniture, jewelry, just for a start, we had to leave that for another day...not to mention a good many other galleries in the town, the Edmonds Center for the Arts (recently built and quite impressive, with a variety of exciting performances scheduled during the season) and other very rewarding aspects of this special small town close enough to Seattle for a comfortable commute, with excellent schools, numerous community events year round (like the Taste of Edmonds Festival and the Edmonds Art Festival) and the proximity to Puget Sound that makes life seem just that little bit more special. ![]() Edy Kizaki Realtor, Team Leader 206-331-0152 Labels: Edmonds, Edmonds Art Galleries, Edmonds Restaurants
Blogging about a quality blog ? Why not.
One of my favorite collectors of local market economy news is, http://SeattleB ![]() With neither a rosy or dark perspective on our current realestate market, this blog, collects news, opinion, and statistics, on todays front page, the lead article was on the buying public's current tolerance for debt including a pole and this handy calculator. (image only, go to the blog for a working model) Another example of pertinent information shown in an easy to digest visual, ![]() ![]() I appreciate the originators format and attention to feed back and commentary, often offering as much or more information in the followup articles as had been in the original post. Take a look, and dont miss the forums. ![]() Larry Baumgartner, Realtor, CNE* email @ LarryNLynette@SeattlePowerSearch.com *Certified Negotiation Expert Labels: expired listings, king county real estate, listings, market, trends
Thursday, March 5, 2009Kirkland -- Modern Home with Views of Lake WA, Mt Rainier, Bellevue, KirklandLarry and I had previewed the home next door, also built by Legendary Homes, and were invited back to see this home as well, and now we have both homes listed for sale. A rooftop deck is accessible from the balcony decks off two of the bedrooms to make the most of the views during good weather. 3864 Square feet of quality includes built in vacuum, high tech cabling, ![]() See the other home ![]() Lynette Hensley Associate Broker Larry Baumgartner Realtor, CNE, Certified Negotiation Expert Labels: Juanita, Kirkland, Luxury, New Construction
Kirkland -- Views of Lake WA, Mt Rainier, Bellevue, Kirkland![]() First, the luxury home nearest the road has warm feeling finishes, fine woods throughout, granite kitchen counters with hand chiseled edges--a unique touch. Travertine tiles, marble touches, molten glass and metal tilework. ![]() Five Bedrooms and Four Baths make this a substantial place to live, with space for extended family, or room to wander. The media room is your own personal movie house, complete with a refrigerator, sink and cupboard space for snacks. If you'd rather enjoy the views, they are available from the main level of the home, the Master Suite, and the fabulous roof top deck, which incidentally has a kitchen on the same level--convenient! To quote the builder: "We are a small family owned and operated construction company, in business for over 20 years. We build each house to our personal standards of quality that far exceed the industries expectations. We strive to incorporate functional livability to meld seamlessly with our design elements. As an example, the walls of the media room in the home have fabric covered panels that offer a cozy warm elegant feel to the room and improved sound absorption as well as easy access to the hidden in-wall sound system and electrical components. This was an ![]()
As sundown approaches the whole atmosphere of the homes begin to change. The sun back lights Whoever gets the privilege of living in these homes will find breathtaking inspirational views to renew their spirits every morning, the reassurance of good neighbors and a peaceful community each day and nature in all her majesty to awe them as they say goodnight each evening. The views and location of these homes offer a sanctuary that is truly priceless." (With permission from Debbie Kracht, Legendary Homes.) See the other home ![]() Lynette Hensley Associate Broker Larry Baumgartner Realtor, CNE, Certified Negotiation Expert Labels: Juanita, Kirkland, Luxury, New Construction
NY Times: U.S. Sets Big Incentives to Head Off Foreclosures
From the New York Times headlines today:
Business U.S. Sets Big Incentives to Head Off Foreclosures By EDMUND L. ANDREWS Published: March 5, 2009 The Obama administration began an ambitious effort to help troubled homeowners, offering lenders and borrowers big incentives. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/05/business/05housing.html Lynette Hensley Associate Broker Labels: Economy, housing market, mortgage
Sunday, March 1, 2009Sailing Puget Sound in Winter![]() A client that moved here because of work sent me a link to her photos while taking a walk with her daughter recently. I love this one showing a sail boat on the Sound with the city and Space Needle in the background. Krista, thanks for sharing a perfect moment! Edy Kizaki, Realtor Labels: Puget Sound, sailing
Thursday, February 26, 2009Pecha Kucha, The Sound of Chit Chat
Here are the guidelines for Pecha Kucha as described on the Pecha-Kucha.org site: "Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each - giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show." This free event is produced by volunteers (Pecha Kuties) and will certainly be repeated. Many of the folks I was privileged to talk with are also planning to present at some future event. Really fun and inspiring!
Monday, February 23, 2009Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan
The Obama plan is designed to help stave off foreclosure for 7-9 million families by restructuring or refinancing their mortgages. This will keep families in their homes, keep communities stable, and strengthen confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Immediately after hearing the press conference, the anchor said that this is not enough, it's just a drop in the bucket. But I'm glad to see some help, that if it works well, could be a model for further relief. The plan also includes provision for displaced renters where the home goes into foreclosure because the owner/landlord can't afford the home anymore. Here's a summary Feel free to call or email for more information. I do have more than the summary which I'd be happy to send to you. Lynette Hensley Associate Broker
Coffee As Art -- Vivace EspressoVivace Espresso has two locations Vivace Espresso Bar at Brix 532 Broadway Ave East Seattle WA 98122 Telephone 206.860.2722 Open 6am until 11pm daily Espresso Vivace Alley 24 227 Yale Ave N Seattle, WA 98109 Telephone 206.388.5164 Open daily 6 am until 11 pm. See you there! ![]() Associate Broker Labels: Capitol Hill, coffee houses, South Lake Union